Hello! This is Kat, CEO of PartnerHQ. đź‘‹

Help us surface more paid intro opportunities uniquely relevant to your network by sharing your LinkedIn connections with us. This should take <2 minutes of active time. Here’s how:

Step 1: Go to the LinkedIn export page

Go to https://www.linkedin.com/mypreferences/d/download-my-data.

Step 2: Download your connections

Select “connections.”

Click on the “Request archive” button.


Step 3: Share with PartnerHQ

LinkedIn will email you a CSV of your connections within 10-15 minutes. If you have trouble finding it, try looking for an email titled “Your LinkedIn data archive is ready!”.

For new users: Upload your CSV here →

For existing users: Forward your connections CSV to [email protected].


How are my connections going to be used?

We will use your LinkedIn connections to improve our ability to surface paid intro opportunities relevant to you.

Sharing your LinkedIn connections allows PartnerHQ say “hey, company XYZ is looking for intros to Bob Barker in your network. Do you want to make an intro?”

PartnerHQ will never contact someone in your network directly.

What if I have people that I’m connected to on LinkedIn that I don’t feel comfortable making an introduction to?

That’s totally fine!

We will make introduction suggestions, but the final decision to make the introduction is up to you.